Why Visit a West Virginia Coal Mine?

Why Visit a West Virginia Coal Mine?
We all do it. We drive the same stretch of road time and again, never stopping to see what those "little brown signs" are enticing us to visit along the way.

3 Reasons Why Autumn is the Perfect Time to Learn to Ride a Motorcycle

3 Reasons Why Autumn is the Perfect Time to Learn to Ride a Motorcycle
If you've been thinking "I need to learn how to ride a motorcycle," autumn is the perfect season to do so. Why?

Why I’m Writing a Book about Fear and Anxiety

Why I’m Writing a Book about Fear and Anxiety
FIVE years ago I learned to ride a motorcycle, and since then I've traveled the lower 48 states and parts of five Canadian provinces on my bike. Mostly solo.

FAQ: Finding Clean Restrooms, Terrific Welcome Centers

FAQ: Finding Clean Restrooms, Terrific Welcome Centers
I had a great time in April with my "Ask Me Anything" teleseminar. Questions ranged from how to find clean restrooms to how to travel with pets and inlaws.

Vacation Makeover: Solve 5 Common Vacation Problems

Vacation Makeover: Solve 5 Common Vacation Problems
All too often vacations—even holiday weekends—don’t meet our expectations. The kids are bored and grouchy, you’re overrunning your budget, and the amusement parks are beginning to look the same.

Why You Need at Least Three Days to Explore Yellowstone National Park

Why You Need at Least Three Days to Explore Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is an American icon. It's what comes to mind when you think about a national park.

Explore Pocahontas County, West Virginia by Motorcycle

Explore Pocahontas County, West Virginia by Motorcycle
There's nothing like early spring in the Appalachian Mountains! Frosty mornings, sunny afternoons, and gorgeous sunsets that you can watch through trees whose branches aren't yet covered in leaves all remind you that it's great to be alive.

7 Tips for Eating Healthy Meals on Vacation

7 Tips for Eating Healthy Meals on Vacation
Eating in restaurants, amusement parks, and on-the-go from gas stations can easily derail healthy eating habits, but you have more choices now than ever before—and the mobile web will help you find them.

Ask Me Anything about Solo Travel

Ask Me Anything about Solo Travel
A road trip is the perfect way to experience solo travel. We live in a big, beautiful country with a great deal to explore. Bonus considerations: you already know the language and you don't have to learn to drive on the "other" side of the road! Ask me anything about solo travel in my free teleseminar. Details here

Ask Tamela Anything About Planning a Road Trip

Ask Tamela Anything About Planning a Road Trip