January Book Lust

January Book Lust
This month we have a fiction entry in Book Lust by writer Barrie Abalard, who reviews the latest book in the series that inspired the Golden Globe winning "Dexter" TV series.

Repaying the Debt with Alchemy/Science

Repaying the Debt with Alchemy/Science
John Hodgman has quite a gig going with his "You're Welcome" series on The Daily Show. This one's terrific -- our debt ceiling is now a "debt convertible."

December Book Lust

December Book Lust
On a sad reading note, I opened this month's "Fortune Small Business" to learn it was the last.  RIP to a great publication I've been reading on dead trees for years. Maybe earlier adaptation of e-readers would have saved it. On that e-reader note, which do you prefer, Nook or Kindle? With my birthday coming up in January I'll graciously accept either -- and you don't even have to wrap it. Making it easy for you, dear readers!

November Book Lust

November Book Lust
Spent some time in a REAL bookstore last week.  I'm daydreaming of a Nook...

SPAM Tweetup

SPAM Tweetup
Looking forward to seeing anyone who wants to talk about SPAM in Charlotte Weds, November 11 at 11:30 :

Working with a Ghostwriter

Working with a Ghostwriter
Used to be the word "ghostwriter" conjured images of a wily hack with a battered Olivetti sitting at a Hollywood swimming pool coaxing confidences from a star.

October Book Lust

October Book Lust
This month's Book Lust column has guest reviews by a couple of StockTwits friends on financial matters as well as a review of Harvard professor Sander's book on Justice, which I originally heard about on the Diane Rheme Show. Buddha's Brain combines two of my favorite subjects while two other books address the current economic crisis. Please submit your suggestions for November's column.

Jon Stewart and the Gerund

Jon Stewart and the Gerund
English teachers the world over must've loved the way Jon Stewart taught us the gerund.

September Book Lust

September Book Lust
If you've read any of these, please write your thoughts/a review.  Here's what's on my radar.

My NPR 3-minute Fiction Entry

My NPR 3-minute Fiction Entry