Putting Myself in Time Out

Putting Myself in Time Out
Yesterday I talked about repairing my gas tank cap with duct tape, and I promised to tell the back story. Here it is, and it has a lot to do with impatience.

Ode to Duct Tape

Ode to Duct Tape
I never appreciated the versatility of duct tape before I became a motorcyclist. Here's a story of how it saved the day while riding off road in Nevada.

Biker Talk 101

Biker Talk 101
Just like the evening news, people seem to want to lead with what bleeds as a conversation starter. Not a productive start to a relationship eh?

Live Like a Shepherd

Live Like a Shepherd
I didn't know what it was when I first saw it, but then learned that shepherds would live in these 7'x8' abodes as they tended their grazing herds.

It’s Never Too Late!

It’s Never Too Late!
Meet my friend Shirly, from southern, Idaho. I met her in 2010 in Cheyenne, Wyoming when we Conga riders rallied. She was 78 at the time!

Camping is Good for the Soul

Camping is Good for the Soul
Just in case you think I'm some kind of woodsy gal who beds down with the mountain goats atop Beartooth Pass or something, don't give me too much credit!

Getting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck
The 2010 calling of my soul was "You need to learn to ride a motorcycle, then you need to ride it to Oregon and back." Your mileage may vary.

Muffler Men Marketing

Muffler Men Marketing
Imagine yourself flying along Interstate 40 and seeing a billboard advertising a hot dog stand. How un-compelling is that? Now, same scenario with a Muffler Man holding a hot dog--irresistible!

Mississippi Headwaters and Aspiration

Mississippi Headwaters and Aspiration
We think of the Mississippi as an awesome force, which it is...eventually. Here's what I learned about life by visiting its headwaters.

Trading Post Radio

Trading Post Radio
I was tempted to put down my tent at a rest stop before I got to Childress, but the big sign saying "Watch for rattlesnakes" convinced me otherwise.