FIVE years ago I learned to ride a motorcycle, and since then I've traveled the lower 48 states and parts of five Canadian provinces on my bike. Mostly solo.
Thanksgiving week is the busiest time for American travelers. In an attempt to maximize profits, airlines have made it more difficult for your bags to qualify as a free carry-on while simultaneously raising baggage fees.
If you are in a helping profession, (including a full-time parent) here's a Professional Quality of Life Scale (self-assessment) that will help you gauge your "Compassion Satisfaction," your "Burnout" and your "Secondary Traumatic Stress." The occupational therapists found it to be a useful tool.
When the organizers of TEDx Charlotte gave me and my friend Neale Bayly the opportunity to talk about the role that chance encounters have played in our lives we jumped right in.
Right before Labor Day weekend I delivered my first Pecha Kucha, "Alone in the Tetons After Dark." The constraints of the Pecha Kucha format taught me a few things that could help anyone developing ANY kind of presentation. Read on!
This summer I'm headed for a week of speaking engagements and book signings in Billings, Montana, one of my favorite cities. Here's the lineup, in case you are in the area or know someone who is.
It’s one of the legendary roads that riders talk about with a mix of pride and wistful sighs; pride for having braved it, and a sighs at witnessing nature unadulterated.