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Author: Tamela M. Rich

SPAM Tweetup

Looking forward to seeing anyone who wants to talk about SPAM in Charlotte Weds, November 11 at 11:30 :

October Book Lust

This month's Book Lust column has guest reviews by a couple of StockTwits friends on financial matters as well as a review of Harvard professor Sander's book on Justice, which I originally heard about on the Diane Rheme Show. Buddha's Brain combines two of my favorite subjects while two other books address the current economic crisis. Please submit your suggestions for November's column.

September Book Lust

If you've read any of these, please write your thoughts/a review.  Here's what's on my radar.

Old Age in America

My dear friend is going through end-of-life issues with her parents. Below I've pasted a missive she sent to me from her childhood home, where she's been helping out after her father collapsed.

August Book Lust

I want to read (but haven't yet) these four books: The Myth of the Rational Market, The Ascent of Money, Guts: Combat, Hellraising, Cancer, Business Startups and Undying Love, and Habit. Please write a review or give me a thumbs up/down on these four if you read them already.


At the risk of sounding antisocial, I wonder why texting and driving can't be an acquired skill. The brain is capable of so many things, why not this? In July 2009 a new computer AAA Foundation released a new computer program designed to help Baby Boomers retrain their brains and delay the impact of aging.