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Tag: Tradeoffs

Are You A Pre-Title-IX Woman?

Tamela and her motorcycle helmet
Many middle aged women like me -- the pre-Title IX babies -- didn't have the opportunity to explore our physical natures growing up. Motorcycling has unleashed my adventurous side. I'd always thought of Title IX as a sports law, but athletics is just the start. Perhaps what we're seeing in the workplace is a direct result of this law.

Talking to the Nice Folks on Iron Horse Motorcycle Radio

I was delighted when Stan Gordon asked me to be his guest on WIXE Radio today.  As experienced cross-country bikers, Stan and his co-host Mike asked me questions I haven't had the opportunity to answer in other interviews.  They were also gracious in letting me talk about Conga III and telling people how they could donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.