My client Aaron Katsman’s book
Editing services
Not everyone wants or needs a ghostwriter, but every writer needs an editor.
When you hire me, I’ll assume the role of your reader’s advocate, pushing you for more here, less there, and better writing everywhere.
Manuscript development
If you were building a custom home, you would hire an architect. Think of my manuscript consulting services like those of an architect’s. I’ll help you:
- Write in a voice that resonates with your intended audience
- Refine themes and key messages for each chapter and the book as a whole
- Develop a detailed table of contents
- Determine what should be included in sidebars and excerpts
- Avoid writing a book that’s already on the market
Book editing
Some authors want to “just get the book out of their heads” without consulting an editor. Perfectly legitimate approach.
When I edit your manuscript, you can be sure I’ll tell you if what you’ve written sounds like something already on the market. Then, I’ll point out gaps in logic and places where you’ve contradicted yourself. I’ll suggest places where additional research is needed and where a short example is better than pages of explanation. I’ll often suggest moving portions of the book around.
From there you might ask me to take the lead writing the next draft so that you can focus on feeding me research and case studies. Then again, you may choose to do the research and writing yourself and bring it back to me for the next round of edits. Most books will go through several iterations before going on to the copy editor and printer.
I’m not sure what else to say about my editing services except that I’ll push you to write a standout book. I’ll be supportive, constructive and candid. Let’s get started.
Copy editing
I will be too familiar with your work to catch some of the necessary changes to grammar, punctuation and so forth. That’s where a copy editor comes in.
If you are selling your work to a publishing house, they will do this. If you are publishing your own work I can recommend copy editors.
Copy editing is not my specialty.
This kind of work is more art than science; you could spend anywhere from $3,000 to $20,000 on editing services. I’ll be able to more closely estimate my fees once we’ve talked about your project.
I occasionally offer mastermind groups and workshops for aspiring authors. Drop me a note if you would like to be informed of the next one.