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Tag: Book Reviews

What I’m up to Q3, 2024

Collage of books and photos
I have great news! My book about the Ohio River's racial legacy is in peer review at a major university press. This means experts in history, sociology, and public policy will give me advice how to improve it, including suggested topics and interviews, before it goes to press (likely 2026). Can't say more than that at this time, but hope to have a full report for my fourth quarterly update. Thanks for your good wishes and notes of encouragement.

What I’m up to Q1, 2024

Tamela with Guyasuta and George Washington in Pittsburgh, PA
I've been immersed in all things related to the Ohio River as I pitch a book on the racial legacy of the country's longest slavery border (north of the Ohio River was slavery-free per the Northwest Ordinance in 1787, all 981 miles of it).